Need to get the tileing and plumbing done for a new electric shower before the electrics for convenience reasons (don't want the sparky to wire up new shower in new shower room, disconnecting shower in main bathroom* and leave it without the tileing and plumbing done**, with us having to remove the newly wired shower to do those and all the while not having shower facilities)
Few diagrams needed from this point onwards, they are in here diagrams.GIF
This means I'll have to put something in the wall for the cable to be drawn down inside, now I'm guessing 10mm² T&E would a little tight in 25mm conduit, (the cable is what, 10*18mm and the inside diameter of the conduit will be about 22mm so the cable will fit across the diameter of the conduit, but where the sides come in its likely to be a bit tight at best and not go at all at worst (diagram A) ) and also where the conduit ends, it would probably be difficult to bring the cable out the end and forwards. (diagram B)
So I came up with the idea of using some appropiately sized trunking, and stopping the lid short of the end of the conduit (diagram C), now I know full well that trunking wasn't designed to be sunk into the wall, but I wan't to know if there is any reason why I shouldn't do it?
*Main bathroom is going to be trashed and refitted, it'll have a pumped shower instead of the current electric one
**plumbing and tileing to be DIYed, one day I'll invest in test equip and DIY electrics again with notification to LABC, but this shower is most likely going to be wired by a spark
EDIT: link actually pasted this time
Few diagrams needed from this point onwards, they are in here diagrams.GIF
This means I'll have to put something in the wall for the cable to be drawn down inside, now I'm guessing 10mm² T&E would a little tight in 25mm conduit, (the cable is what, 10*18mm and the inside diameter of the conduit will be about 22mm so the cable will fit across the diameter of the conduit, but where the sides come in its likely to be a bit tight at best and not go at all at worst (diagram A) ) and also where the conduit ends, it would probably be difficult to bring the cable out the end and forwards. (diagram B)
So I came up with the idea of using some appropiately sized trunking, and stopping the lid short of the end of the conduit (diagram C), now I know full well that trunking wasn't designed to be sunk into the wall, but I wan't to know if there is any reason why I shouldn't do it?
*Main bathroom is going to be trashed and refitted, it'll have a pumped shower instead of the current electric one
**plumbing and tileing to be DIYed, one day I'll invest in test equip and DIY electrics again with notification to LABC, but this shower is most likely going to be wired by a spark
EDIT: link actually pasted this time