Turkey crown - says 'do not reheat'???

30 Dec 2018
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Up North
United Kingdom
A frozen, uncooked turkey crown, suggests on the packaging - 'do not reheat'. Is it safe to ignore that and reheat it?
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If it's not cooked, then it can be cooked and eaten.

Reheating means do not cook it, then allow to cool and then reheat it later.
During the cool period, bacteria will multiply, and the reheating won't reach temperatures sufficient to kill off those bacteria.
If you carve the bird after the first cooking, you can chill or freeze the slices or small pieces quite quickly, spread out on a plate or tray, and can later reheat them quickly in a casserole or something. You can boil up the bones or carcase for stock, starting before you do the washing up.

The key to safe meat handling is to chill it quickly, and cook it quickly. Which you can't easily do as a large joint or carcase. Don't allow it to hang around warm or at room temperature. Commercial chilling or freezing is done by blasting it with jets of very cold air. The best you can do is set your freezer or fridge to fast freeze (or max cold) for a few hours beforehand.

It sounds like you have a whole frozen crown, uncooked, and no doubt the instructions will tell you to thaw it completely in a fridge before cooking.
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It sounds like you have a whole frozen crown, uncooked, and no doubt the instructions will tell you to thaw it completely in a fridge before cooking.

It was a prepackaged small breast for 5, in a foil dish, oven ready. The instruction said cook 2 hours from frozen, or reduce cook time. Alone, I hate a 1/3 of it, and thought to chill and reheat next day, but after reading the warning???

Lots of sites suggest it's OK to do, if reheated hot enough. It tasted great BTW ;)
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The instruction is correct do not reheat the crown...however that means the whole crown, if you carve the meat off and reheat then its fine. The bones can be a reservoir of salmonella.
Cut meat from breast and reheat thoroughly , fine as long as it’s been stored in fridge.
Some peoples idea of 'reheat' = just warm it up. That's a no-no because of bacterial infection. However, if 'reheat' =re-cook (hot enough to kill off bacteria) then it should be ok.
Some peoples idea of 'reheat' = just warm it up. That's a no-no because of bacterial infection. However, if 'reheat' =re-cook (hot enough to kill off bacteria) then it should be ok.
If it’s been cooked correctly in the first place then it’s bacteria free, if not you have already eaten infected meat.Far more dangerous to reheat rice.
If it’s been cooked correctly in the first place then it’s bacteria free, if not you have already eaten infected meat.Far more dangerous to reheat rice.

That's what I thought, it just seemed a strange warning on a fresh meat package, though frozen.

Anyway, I reheated it for dinner yesterday, and I seem to have survived the experience with no ill-effects.

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