UK to have no alignment with EU, but also closely aligned at same time

15 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
Or to put it another way, Sajid Javid tells the public one thing and business leaders another.

Brexit: the gift that keeps on lying

To business he said:
The Chancellor has tried to reassure British companies that the UK will remain closely aligned with the EU after Brexit and won’t diverge from its rules and standards unless “it [is] in the interests of British businesses”.

Speaking at a business leaders lunch in Davos, Sajid Javid insisted it would be “democratically wrong and economically not in our interest” to automatically adopt future changes to EU regulations

To public he said:
The UK Chancellor has warned manufacturers that there will be "no alignment" with the EU after Brexit, insisting firms must "adjust" to new regulations

If you put liars in charge, you get lies
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Why change unless you need to and why stay aligned if it causes you problems?

I see no lies here.
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Why change unless you need to and why stay aligned if it causes you problems?

I see no lies here.

Rabid brexiteers insist on no alignment, so Tories are chest beating to keep their fans excited
If UK want a US deal then that means no level playing field, regulatory divergence, that results in trade barriers.

Business wants alignment it to EU, its obv why: alignment to UK largest and closest trade bloc makes sense.
Esp a trade bloc with the most advanced internal single market.
And lets not forget all the external markets that have alignment to EU regulations, esp those in chemical, aeronautical and pharmas.

I agree its been politically phrased so it cant be called an outright lie, but 2 diametrically opposed options cant both be true
Javid knows only 1 is true.
Ah, so when you refer to benefit scroungers you mean every single person on benefits.

Thats cleared that up.
Thank you for agreeing with me.
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