Unarmed civillians killed by Protestants

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A shameful history, near to home


"It (the UFF) was responsible for at least 500 deaths, the vast majority (more than two-thirds) of whom were Irish Catholic civilians.


Your forgetting this....

My grandpa served in the USC. He cut lumps out of the irish rebels with his lee enfield when they arrived at his home to murder him.
Old irish homes back then only had a front door and this particular one had no rear windows so when they surrounded the front they thought there was no escape.
But a hole existed which allowed him to escape via the byre which led back into bogland. The old stone walled property still stands today.

That was the first attempt. The second attempt they failed also.
I'm no stranger to being taken into bog land myself with kalashinovs pointed at my back.
I bet you wish they'd pulled the trigger. :LOL:
I don't post links.
Later he wrote.....
Your forgetting this....
Should have read...
I don't post links...er...only when it suits me and my agenda because I'm a cowardly b**l sh***ing fraud
Another one of Norcs' famous B.S. lines.....
For a start I'd never want be buried along side a catholic in the same grave yard.

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