United Kingdom

The UK is an artificial construction.

Would you care to ellaborate on that statement please. :?: :?:

Someone just trying to be a philosoraptor.

But it's the idea that a country is an idea, like how the world is divided into continents, but Europe is classed as it's own geographical area, despite being part of a landmass.

But land and property ownership is also an artificial construction, but I bet anyone who says the UK is aint gonna give up their goods for nothing.
There are 4 distinct nations that make up the UK it is only because England pays massive subsidies to the other 3 countries that we have a united Kingdom
Ellal, you ask what makes me "different" from those i would expell, (get rid of) SIMPLES i have a UK passport, i am here legally.
So do they...Or have the right to be here legally...

Therefore that's the end of your argument...

Simples... ;)
Now ellal , tell me that discrimination laws are applied equally and fairly in every case and I'll call you a liar. You know in your heart that I'm right. We British are fast becoming second class citizens in our own land, due to the so called do gooders of society who believe we live in a multicultural fruitopia.
Ah, so you want absolutes now?...That's a bit of a back track isn't it?

So you tell me that a black person is no more likely to be subject to 'stop and f*cked over', and I'll call YOU a liar... :LOL:

Some years ago , a senior Metropolitan Police chief stated that somewhere around 90% of crime ,(including muggings, burglaries, shootings, stabbings etc, etc) in the Met area were committed by black young men.
He was hauled over the coals by the PC brigade. Would you accept that in these circumstances, police are more likely to stop and search young , black men rather than apply all stop and search tactics equally, regardless of race?
Hypothetically, if 90% of the crime had been committed by young white men with short blonde hair,,, What's the odds that the police would stop and search a disproportionate amount of young , white men with blonde hair? It's called being " Proactive"
(you might want to look that word up in the dictionary so your aware of what it means, as it's nothing to do with yoghurt drinks) ;) ;) ;)

Perhaps in an effort to stop, so called Black on Black crime (shootings etc) the police should stop more white people?
There are 4 distinct nations that make up the UK it is only because England pays massive subsidies to the other 3 countries that we have a united Kingdom

I detect a hint of total pish about that statement :rolleyes: Scotland has 8.4% of the population of the UK and contributes 9.6% of treasury revenues. This is from an official government report - Government and Expenditure Revenue Scotland. Still, its good to peddle old lies...
Now ellal , tell me that discrimination laws are applied equally and fairly in every case and I'll call you a liar. You know in your heart that I'm right. We British are fast becoming second class citizens in our own land, due to the so called do gooders of society who believe we live in a multicultural fruitopia.
Ah, so you want absolutes now?...That's a bit of a back track isn't it?

So you tell me that a black person is no more likely to be subject to 'stop and f*cked over', and I'll call YOU a liar... :LOL:

Some years ago , a senior Metropolitan Police chief stated that somewhere around 90% of crime ,(including muggings, burglaries, shootings, stabbings etc, etc) in the Met area were committed by black young men.
He was hauled over the coals by the PC brigade. Would you accept that in these circumstances, police are more likely to stop and search young , black men rather than apply all stop and search tactics equally, regardless of race?
Hypothetically, if 90% of the crime had been committed by young white men with short blonde hair,,, What's the odds that the police would stop and search a disproportionate amount of young , white men with blonde hair? It's called being " Proactive"
(you might want to look that word up in the dictionary so your aware of what it means, as it's nothing to do with yoghurt drinks) ;) ;) ;)

Perhaps in an effort to stop, so called Black on Black crime (shootings etc) the police should stop more white people?
Always a 'quote' with you, and yet no figures will back up your 90% claim...

Please show me where I'm wrong... ;)

And while you're about it, can you show us the figures regarding corrupt MP's and business men/women vis a vis their skin colour?
And while you're about it, can you show us the figures regarding corrupt MP's and business men/women vis a vis their skin colour?

WTF do MP's and business people have to do with the price of oranges in the UK?
You don't half have a knack of using diversionary tactics.
I suppose next, you'll be telling us that the vast majority of crime in London is committed by MP's and businessmen and women. Yeah, let's arrest Richard Branston, Sir Alan, and a couple of MP's. That'll get the muggings and shootings/stabbings down. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
As ever a sidestep JJ... ;)

Can you give us the proof over the 90% figure you claim..

A simple Yes or No will do, along with a link...
Alright, I'll concede that the 90% figure was an overestimate. Let's agree to call it a majority then. Happy with that? (and this can be researched on the internet)
As for sidestepping the issue, you are the undoubted master of the sidestep and fudge the issue, by asking questions, not even remotely connected to the thread.
You ask for yes or no answers, well here's one for you.
Is the majority of crime in the Met Policing area committed by young, black men?

Again, a simple Yes or No answer will suffice. (I'll leave you to your research) (please feel free to ignore the tabloids during your research though, as you reckon these only make up the news, instead of reporting facts)
Alright, I'll concede that the 90% figure was an overestimate. Let's agree to call it a majority then. Happy with that? (and this can be researched on the internet)
Actually it's just another bit of b*llshit from you... ;)

How many times are you pulled up on what you 'quote' as a 'fact' which then turns out to be nothing of the sort...

So humour me, and provide proof of this 'majority' that you claim exists...

Is the majority of crime in the Met Policing area committed by young, black men?

No...Do you have figures to the contrary?

Or is it just that you rely on the Met's policy on stopping blacks by default as opposed to the real crime rate?
I did ask you to do your own research ellal. That way I know any links are not going to be rubbished by you (in your usual way) So I won't link to my research, but will quote the relevant source.

Quote from Wikipedia "In London in 2006, 75% of the victims of gun crime and 79% of the suspects were "from the African/Caribbean community."

Again from Wikipedia "The figures showed that the majority of males who were accused of violent and sexual crimes (including those subsequently acquitted) in 2009–10 were black. Of the recorded 18,091 such accusations against males, 54 percent accused of street crimes were black; for robbery, 59 percent; for gun crimes, 67 percent; and for sexual offences, 32 percent"

From Guncrime.org, " There was a lot of criticism of the stop and search policy that police had at that time, which seemed to be stopping a disproportionate amount of people from ethnic minorities, in particular people from the black community. The police were accused of miss-treating black people during these stop and searches. The police however justified this saying that 85% of robbery suspects in London were black and a large amount of street crime is committed by a few black men (Race Against Crime, Channel 4, 1999).

I have deliberately not quoted from the tabloids for the simple fact that you'll immediately brand anything they say about crime and ethnicity, "Sensationalist."
Now go do your own research ellal .
Ah...so wiki is the font of your knowledge is it jj?.... :rolleyes:

The reason you give no actual links is that you type first and then realise afterwards that you have been talking b*llshit!.... :LOL:

YOU made YOUR pathetic claims, so now it's time for you to 'put up or shut up'...

Show us the figures that support YOUR claims, and then maybe you might just have some credibility left...if not, its time for you to go off and skulk with your fellow delusionals..
There are 4 distinct nations that make up the UK it is only because England pays massive subsidies to the other 3 countries that we have a united Kingdom

I detect a hint of total pish about that statement :rolleyes: Scotland has 8.4% of the population of the UK and contributes 9.6% of treasury revenues. This is from an official government report - Government and Expenditure Revenue Scotland. Still, its good to peddle old lies...
Does the figure of 9.6% include oil revenues?