I have tried to put this on the "Contact Us" part of this web-site and it does not work!!!
Can you tell me how to load up photo on this site please? I can take the photos from my own hard-drive and place them into a folder but despite saying "show my images" or something similar when I check my message on the forum, no photos seem to be attached.
Can you please explain in SIMPLE SIMPLE SIMPLE terms i.e NOT computer-goobelgook talk, how I get my photos from my hard-drive, into a folder and then onto the site to highlight a problem that the text is trying to explain? Ta. P.P.
Can you tell me how to load up photo on this site please? I can take the photos from my own hard-drive and place them into a folder but despite saying "show my images" or something similar when I check my message on the forum, no photos seem to be attached.
Can you please explain in SIMPLE SIMPLE SIMPLE terms i.e NOT computer-goobelgook talk, how I get my photos from my hard-drive, into a folder and then onto the site to highlight a problem that the text is trying to explain? Ta. P.P.