UPVC door will not open

30 Dec 2018
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Up North
United Kingdom
Side/back door, is about ten years old, uses a mortice type key, lifting the handle bring out the 'fingers' top and bottom, allowing the door to be locked.

Trying to unlock it the key turns in the lock, handle can be partially pressed down, this then partially allows the door to be opened. It only opens by about 4mm. It can then be clicked shut, and locked. It just cannot be fully unlocked, to enable it to be opened.
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Lots of wd40 .Once open will need adjustment .

The feel of it, suggests that will not work. Unlocked, the door is moving/opening to make a gap of a few mm. The door opens inwards. If I go outside, and press on the lock side of the door, at various heights, it doesn't move, feels as if the multi-point, are all still in the locked positions, top of the door to the bottom.

The hinges seem to be of a T hinge type, with some sort of cover cap. Anything to be gained by seeing if the hinges can be released? Would the hinge side of the door, be able to be eased out, to release the lock side, and then get access to it?


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The hinges look identical to the ones on the front door, but the front door has what I would describe as a couple of 'horns', fixed to the hinge side edge of the door, which fit into pockets of the door frame. I cannot remember whether the back door also had these horns fitted. If it does, pointless remove the hinges.
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Spray at top edge of door so oil runs down and hits all the catches , then repeatedly operate handle .
Yay! Done it! Not sure the WD helped at all, but lots of working the handle up and down eventually released it. I had already removed the handles, to try spraying the lock itself.

All seems to be working OK, with door open, so I'll give it a good clean down, and spray it with silcon lubricant, which is the proper stuf for door mechanisms.. Thanks!
I spoke too soon. I tested it a few times, with the door open, and on one occasion, the multipoint failed to retract one time. I guess the gearbox is worn, and I need to try to source a replacement.
I repaired mine recently. I had to wiggle and jiggle and push and pull to get it open in the first place though. Don’t know if yours is the same.

I repaired mine recently. I had to wiggle and jiggle and push and pull to get it open in the first place though. Don’t know if yours is the same.

As said, the panic is over, now it's open, and it can remain unlocked until I get a roundtuit. I've things to do today, so I might get a roundtuit tomorrow. We can manage with the front door only, which we don't normally use. There is a brick wall, parallel with the door, and I've wedged timber between door and wall, in place of locking it for now.

I was mostly concerned about having to call an 'expert' in, and have a clown turn up wanting to charge a fortune to wreck the door in the process of releasing it.

The only one inconvenienced, by the door, is the dog. She is normally put out via the front door, and let back in at the rear. She sits there at the rear, waiting to get in.

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