URGENT: Product recall

15 Apr 2005
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United Kingdom

Offer also applies to Ford Mondeos, all Mercedes cars, and nearly new Vauxhall Vectras.

(Sorry, Spark123 and RF Lighting, I'm sure it doesn't apply to you!) :LOL:
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Wouldn't buy a bmw out of principle, they closed an ancient bridleway in Oxford to expand their factory but only made alternate provision for walkers and cyclists, horse riders now have to ride on the busy road to get to the neaby park :evil:

Globecity, binge drinking, smoking, using cars blah blah, so what do they do to my pastime of riding out in the fresh air which pollutes nothing in manufacture or use, oh close the safe fresh air route and push me onto the road with the polluting traffic, and close the bridleway for what, oh yea to exapnd a bloody car factory, now is it me or is there something wrong with this Picture, wouldn't give bmw the snot out of my nose.

Offer also applies to Ford Mondeos, all Mercedes cars, and nearly new Vauxhall Vectras.

(Sorry, Spark123 and RF Lighting, I'm sure it doesn't apply to you!) :LOL:
Don't think its a particular car fault but the no-norts driving them,my daughter went for her driving test this afternoon (she passed)on the way to the test centre there are three roundabouts and on each of them we encountered drivers coming around the roundabouts with out giving any clue to as their intentions.
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Pen, was that the old morris site that they closed the bridle way from. i though that was only there so morris could try to keep up with the horse :LOL:
Yea far as I know, cant understand why bmw paid all oxon councils legal fees running into thousands, they could have used that money for a multiuse route and kept everone happy, except maybe the Ramblers, lots of underhand dirty tactics used by their legal team as well as a biased judge who openly admitted he didn't like horse riding, he also openly said he didn't see a problem with horses on a busy road with a nasty bend on it, bit like askng me to rule on a football issue when I openly admit I hate football and let them walk over a busy railway line to get to the ground, not really going to get a fair hearing from the beggining is it.
Something doesn't seem right to me when one person rules on something like that, should be a panel of local people who can weigh up the pro's and cons from both sides point of veiw and come to a balanced decision, plus if your having your legal fees paid by a giant corporation against two charites limited funds it's not exactly democracy in action is it.
It wasn't that long ago that argi wanted all gas installers to stand against
corgi's big brother monopoly and not register gas work through them, well just as that turned into nothing so will the 4.5million horse owner/riders in britain do nothing, about ten of us will vote with our wallets, the rest will probably buy a bmw, nothing like solidarity and nailing your colours to the mast, but me I will stick to my conviction, I will buy an audi, merc, nissan ect ect, anything but a bmw.
Ironic that some bmw dealer is spending money sponsoring a local rider somewhere in britain, with one hand and yet spending money robbing another area of a bridleway for horses to ride on for exercise.
Oh yea, I dont live anywhere near Oxford, it's the principle.
Wouldn't buy a bmw out of principle, they closed an ancient bridleway in Oxford to expand their factory but only made alternate provision for walkers and cyclists, horse riders now have to ride on the busy road to get to the neaby park :evil:

Globecity, binge drinking, smoking, using cars blah blah, so what do they do to my pastime of riding out in the fresh air which pollutes nothing in manufacture or use, oh close the safe fresh air route and push me onto the road with the polluting traffic, and close the bridleway for what, oh yea to exapnd a b****y car factory, now is it me or is there something wrong with this Picture, wouldn't give bmw the snot out of my nose.

yeh blah blah blah, i personally wouldnt knowingly buy a motorola product as i believe them to be ****s, but tell me which big corporation aren't ****s? none of them. they have all ****ed somebody over.

dont be a hypocrite with your fresh air non polluting bullshit as i can guarantee you pollute the earth too. your own personal horsey experience takes a blinding precedence over your own "carbon footprint" doesnt it?

are you going to tell me your name is swampy and you weave your own clothes now? :rolleyes:
Wouldn't buy a bmw out of principle, they closed an ancient bridleway in Oxford to expand their factory but only made alternate provision for walkers and cyclists, horse riders now have to ride on the busy road to get to the neaby park :evil:

Globecity, binge drinking, smoking, using cars blah blah, so what do they do to my pastime of riding out in the fresh air which pollutes nothing in manufacture or use, oh close the safe fresh air route and push me onto the road with the polluting traffic, and close the bridleway for what, oh yea to exapnd a b****y car factory, now is it me or is there something wrong with this Picture, wouldn't give bmw the snot out of my nose.

yeh blah blah blah, i personally wouldnt knowingly buy a motorola product as i believe them to be ****, but tell me which big corporation aren't ****? none of them. they have all **** somebody over.

dont be a hypocrite with your fresh air non polluting bulls**t as i can guarantee you pollute the earth too. your own personal horsey experience takes a blinding precedence over your own "carbon footprint" doesnt it?

are you going to tell me your name is swampy and you weave your own clothes now? :rolleyes:

Being as you TOTALLY missed the point completely I shant even try to explain, ignorance seems to come as standard on all human models produced in the last 30 years.
Wouldn't buy a bmw out of principle, they closed an ancient bridleway in Oxford to expand their factory but only made alternate provision for walkers and cyclists, horse riders now have to ride on the busy road to get to the neaby park :evil:

Globecity, binge drinking, smoking, using cars blah blah, so what do they do to my pastime of riding out in the fresh air which pollutes nothing in manufacture or use, oh close the safe fresh air route and push me onto the road with the polluting traffic, and close the bridleway for what, oh yea to exapnd a b****y car factory, now is it me or is there something wrong with this Picture, wouldn't give bmw the snot out of my nose.

yeh blah blah blah, i personally wouldnt knowingly buy a motorola product as i believe them to be ****, but tell me which big corporation aren't ****? none of them. they have all **** somebody over.

dont be a hypocrite with your fresh air non polluting bulls**t as i can guarantee you pollute the earth too. your own personal horsey experience takes a blinding precedence over your own "carbon footprint" doesnt it?

are you going to tell me your name is swampy and you weave your own clothes now? :rolleyes:

Being as you TOTALLY missed the point completely I shant even try to explain, ignorance seems to come as standard on all human models produced in the last 30 years.

yeh i missed the point.....what point? :rolleyes:
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