Use lighting or socket circuit?

12 Feb 2005
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United Kingdom
This is probably a daft question so apologies in advance. I'm about to connect up an outside 300W security light and am considering where to take the power from. First I planned to loop into the house lighting circuit by adding a junction box to the supply to an existing light switch. However, on inspection, the wiring here is old, with no earth, and I'd prefer to have an earth if poss. Rather than re-wire the house I'm wondering about taking the power from the socket circuit, incorporating a wall-mounted fuse. I'd be grateful for any comments on whether this would be safe or legal. Thanks.
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run from a socket in the ring to a switched fused connection unit using 2.5mm

fit a 5A fuse in the SFCU

and connect from there to the light. If the light is in a place where it will recive direct sunlight then something like arctic grade flex should be used for this part of the run.
Thanks for that speedy reply Plugwash. It was a big help. The idea for the outside cable was a good one too. I hadn't thought of that.
Thanks again.

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