Used 32 tonnes of water in 3 weeks!

Or it could be 0.032M as in ???.???
I would love that to be true Harry, but I am fairly sure (not 100% mind...) that the meter measures in cubic metres - so 240 to 272 is a f*&^load of water... enough to fill a 5m by 3m pool to a depth of 2m.. It seems a lot doesn't it...
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They should be closed. Close them off, bleed some water out of the rad until you get the correct pressure and see how that goes.
I'll take a picture when I get home... which will be about half ten... :D
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Ok .where is all the water going ,directly into a drain ,or do you have a fair sized lake ?:LOL:
Well this is the thing - it's ****ing out of this pipe onto a little raised walled patio thing that looks like a paddling pool... I took a 20mm masonry drill and found the deepest point and drilled a hole in it to let it leak out... garden will be a bit damp, but it's always bloody wet here anyway.. 275m up in the Blackdown Hills...
Any chance it might be cubic feet?

Never know yer Donald Duck, Nozzle.. truth be told, I'll be happy to get the mystery solved and the excess paid for before the water company decide to increase my direct debit to a hundred quid a month of they think my usage is excessive
:D:D.sure sounds like the filling loop is open ,but water would likely still flow when boiler isn't in use...does it ?
:D:D.sure sounds like the filling loop is open ,but water would likely still flow when boiler isn't in use...does it ?
Don't think so, but drips all the time.. I thought briefly it was condensate pipe (don't laugh) but the large rust patch where the water flows against the wall disabused me of that fleeting notion. I should imagine when the pump is on the water flows in and almost straight out again... well, not straight out, because it's well heated when it ****es out of that pipe, which annoys me on two fronts - wasting water and hot water at that...
Good odds (from the sound of the unmaintained state of the heating) that the expansion vessel is either shot or flat- soon as you warm that 2.5bar water it'll be straight up to 3 plus and the prv does its above, switch filling loop off at both ends, if you can easily disconnect one end then do so (shows whether the valves are passing even when off)- make sure you know where the main stoptap and have buckets handy before you do that in case you get a flood. Then bleed a rad til the pressure drops to 1 and a bit. Then fire the boiler up and watch the pressure gauge (and the prv).
He'll definitely need to get someone in.
Going in to that with the right attitude is important.
:D:D.sure sounds like the filling loop is open ,but water would likely still flow when boiler ]
Close both black lever valves ,on the silver braided hose, your filling loop is open.
You then need to drain water out ,via a radiator ,or drain cock ,to get pressure down to 1 bar ( when system is cold).
The PRV will probably need replacing ,and the expansion Vessel checking out.
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Close both black lever valves ,on the silver braided hose, your filling loop is open.
You then need to drain water out ,via a radiator ,or drain cock ,to get pressure down to 1 bar ( when system is cold).
The PRV will probably need replacing ,and the expansion Vessel checking out.
Thank you

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