Used Commercial Van Dealer

13 Nov 2006
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United Kingdom
I bought a van from a used commercial van dealer about two and half months ago for just over £3500 it is an 04 Ford Connect.

Within the first week of owning the van I noticed a funny vibrating noise which happens when the van is under torque between 0 and 2000 rpm.

I notified this problem to the Van dealer who subsequently took the vehicle back and checked it over to see if they could find the problem. Now they reckon that they checked the vehicle thoroughly but couldn't hear the noise that I was complaining about, but did say that if the problem worsens then I could take the vehicle back to them.

Now, this noise is quite loud and I found it difficult to believe that they couldn't hear it, however, I have percevered with the nosie for the past two and half months until last week when I had had enough of it and dropped the vehicle to my local garage for inspection.

It turns out that the problem is the gear box, so far as to say that they have quoted me £1500 to overhaul the gearbox and renew the clutch and a wheel of some description that may as well be done as the gearbox is being overhauled.

Now I am quite p***ed off as you can imagine.

What I would like to know, apart from the warranty that is on the van, am I covered under the Sales of Goods Act 1979 as I would like to take this van back to the dealer that sold it to me and demand that they repair the van at their own cost.

Any advice would be appreciated, thank you.
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Many diesel vehicles (and some petrols) these days have a 'dual mass flywheel' fitted - in effect these are two flywheels joined together by sprung straps. They are designed to counteract longitudinal crankshaft forces generated by high speed diesels - stopping them twisting, in fact - which they do very well. However, the flywheels fail with annoying regularity and I reckon this is the case with your Transit...expect the noises to get worse quite quickly if it is. It could be possible to replace the flywheel with a standard conversion, as quite a few are making their way onto the market these days, but I couldn't accurately comment about the Transit.
I only hope that your dealer has a concience - which I doubt - and he looks kindly on your repair! I can't comment on the legalities of used vehicle warranties. Cheers and good luck John
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