Vast majority of Muslims feel loyal

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
Poll of British Muslims

95% feel a loyalty to Britain

93% say they should obey British laws

The poll also suggests that almost half of British Muslims believe they face discrimination because of their faith and that Britain is becoming less tolerant, while the same percentage feel prejudice against Islam makes it difficult being a Muslim in the UK.

Out of the dozens of people I've spoken to, an overwhelming majority have said they're angry that their interpretation of Islam has been eclipsed by an extreme ideology that is too often projected in the media.

They say it's this that is fuelling prejudice, and it's leading to some in the community feeling ostracised from British society.

As one young man said: "We're all being branded as extremists in this country. I am British but sometimes it feels as if Britain is rejecting me because of my faith and that hurts."

One thousand Muslims were polled as part of our survey - a number statistically representative of the population of close to three million Muslims in Britain.
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Strange that these people feel so unwelcome here, but still flock to this country.

At the same time, the Jews who haven't really caused any problems for us or Europe are leaving in droves because of the sudden rise in anti-Semitic attacks and terrorism.

Know who I have more sympathy for.
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"Strange that these people feel so unwelcome here "

Not at all strange, with people like WhiteSpite around.
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Are you still under the mistaken impression that Google is a source?
Poll of British Muslims

95% feel a loyalty to Britain

93% say they should obey British laws

The poll also suggests that almost half of British Muslims believe they face discrimination because of their faith and that Britain is becoming less tolerant, while the same percentage feel prejudice against Islam makes it difficult being a Muslim in the UK.

Out of the dozens of people I've spoken to, an overwhelming majority have said they're angry that their interpretation of Islam has been eclipsed by an extreme ideology that is too often projected in the media.

They say it's this that is fuelling prejudice, and it's leading to some in the community feeling ostracised from British society.

As one young man said: "We're all being branded as extremists in this country. I am British but sometimes it feels as if Britain is rejecting me because of my faith and that hurts."

One thousand Muslims were polled as part of our survey - a number statistically representative of the population of close to three million Muslims in Britain.

The four stages of Islamic conquest.....


Muslims begin moving to non-Muslim countries in increasing numbers and the beginning of cultural conflicts are visible, though often subtle.
o First migration wave to non-Muslim “host” country.

o Appeal for humanitarian tolerance from the host society.

o Attempts to portray Islam as a peaceful & Muslims as victims of misunderstanding and racism (even though Islam is not a ‘race’).

o High Muslim birth rate in host country increase Muslim population.

o Mosques used to spread Islam and dislike of host country & culture.

o Calls to criminalize “Islamophobia” as a hate crime.

o Threatened legal action for perceived discrimination.

o Offers of “interfaith dialogue” to indoctrinate non-Muslims.
Poll of British Muslims

The poll also suggests that almost half of British Muslims believe they face discrimination because of their faith and that Britain is becoming less tolerant,

So, the more the Muslim population increases, the less Britain tolerates the faith.
When was the vote on allowing these people in with their 'faith' and 'culture' held then. Why has this been forced upon me and the majority of the British public by lovies indulging in social engineering because they know best. I would also ask the muslim apologists posting on this site why they don't go and live in a country where the 'faith' is predominately muslim, such as Saudi, tell them then they must adjust their culture and take due regard of your cultural sensitivities and see what happens. You cant even opt out of this 'faith' should you decide its bollo*ks because the other 'believers' will kill you. Very tolerant.

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Poll of British Muslims

95% feel a loyalty to Britain

93% say they should obey British laws.

But JD you keep forgetting that these people are all (by choice) liars:

Islam Permits Lying to Deceive Unbelievers and Bring World Domination!

Muslims lie when it is in their interest to do so and “Allah” will not hold them accountable for lying when it is beneficial to the cause of Islam. They can lie without any guilt or fear of accountability or retribution. A lie in the defence of Islam is approved even applauded in their “holy” books.

By Don Boys, Ph.D.

Muslims lie not because they are liars by nature but by choice. Systematic lying as a religious policy is deadly, and our politicians do not understand this.
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