verge tiles wrong way round!?

14 Jan 2008
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United Kingdom
Hello all,

went up on roof yesterday to give it a quick once over before winter - noticed a slipping verge tile.

On closer inspection, the tile was fitted wrong way round i.e. the lugs are at the lower end of the tile, not the upper. I don't know if it was a single mistake, or the whole verge it done that way.

The tiles are concrete double roman pantiles, and the verge ones look like they have been angle-grinded to finish with a couple of inch overhang.

Is this standard practice, or a bodge? If standard practice, for what reason? Same question if "bodge"?

I haven't got a tower, so don't fancy getting up there to take a whole row off just yet - plan was to dry verge the gable end when I can sort safe access (did the other gable a couple of years ago off long ladders, and was scared!)
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Are you sure that the tile is/was the wrong way round. There usually is a lug or two at the bottom also, to allow it to sit correctly, but not so pronounced as the top one. Also the top of the tile usually has a nail hole already in the tile, whereas, obviously, the bottom does not.
Some roofers fit the cloak on top of the roofing batten as opposed to trapping underneath the battens. You then fit the barge fascia so that it covers the lath ends.

If this is the case then the roofer is likely to have had to cut the outer-most nib off the tile. If it is a cut verge tile then this may be the only nib.
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if the tile is the wrong way round then it will not interlock full stop.

As RH2 has already said the bottom of the tile may well look like a big thick nib to those that dont know.
As Noeall has said possibly the nib has been cut of to suit the situation.

It is not a bodge to cut tiles to give a sensible overhang...

A pic maybe?
My mistake :oops:

The tile is the correct way up - the upper nib has been ground off for whatever reason. Only the lower nibs remain - I expect these act as some sort of seal or perhaps spacer.

Whoever fitted the roof has angle-ground about 4" off the left-hand edge of each on, presumably the reduce the overhand to a sensible level.

Anyway, I've done a fix to stop the nib-less tile from coming loose again, until I can arrange a tower and fit dry verge properly.

Thanks to all for your suggestions :)
4 inch will only take one nib off, should still be another.. and a nail hole..
anyway good luck

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