Hello all, I have a Vovera Linea 24 and yesterday it packed up displaying a fault code 01.
Thinking it would just be the ignitor I took the case off and removed the panel to reveal the ignitor and burner unit.
Then I did a reset to see if it is sparking and it does spark, also the pump and fan both run until the it times out and shuts down, at no time does anything ignite and no gas is emitted at all during the process.
I am thinking along the lines of the gas valve or PCB but does what I am explaining point to anything definite?
Thanks in advance for any replies.
Thinking it would just be the ignitor I took the case off and removed the panel to reveal the ignitor and burner unit.
Then I did a reset to see if it is sparking and it does spark, also the pump and fan both run until the it times out and shuts down, at no time does anything ignite and no gas is emitted at all during the process.
I am thinking along the lines of the gas valve or PCB but does what I am explaining point to anything definite?
Thanks in advance for any replies.