A well tried solution, if the set has 4 holes on its facia front.
Pop lengths of coat hanger into the holes (not too far), lever slightly outwards and pull.
Sadly it's not that model. There's a special tool that slots down the side of the outer buttons. I thought there might be some other way to get the radio out but I think I'll have to go to a VW dealer. Thanks anyway guys.
OK lads. We've just bought this car second hand and I thought it would be nice to at least have a bit of music whilst driving around getting used to it.
The display screen on the radio shows that everything is working but no sound, that's why I thought I'd take it out and have a look and if need be replace it with my CD player. Tried again today to get it out but no luck. Whilst sitting in the car thinking of what to do next I decided to check the condition of the speakers. Lifted off the covers ....... what speakers ........ all four ...... not a sausage ...... problem solved