Walked Home On Cloud 9

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Went to the village this morning for a few things I forgot to get at Aldi yesterday.

In front of me in Tesco was a girl who didn't have enough money. The cashier was looking a bit stern saying that she had to put more things back because she didn't have enough cash.

So I stepped forward and said I'd pay the bill. By this time, the girl was on the verge of tears, thanking me profusely.

The bloke at the next till told me that was a beautiful thing to do and gave me a big hug. I just impulsively did the right thing, but when he gave me the hug, I thanked him and my voice cracked.

I walked home feeling very happy and told Mrs S when I got in.

Rather killed the moment when she said "How much was the bill?"

I didn't even look at the till, just flashed the card on the reader.
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The bill.....wait until he gets his bank statement!!!! Lol
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They probably pull that stunt in every shop they go to ;)
nearly fell for that with young foreign couple in iceland cashier wouldnt take their £50 note . I was going to take it off them but held back .
when i said to cashier dont you accept 50`s she said no and definitely not the sort they tried to pay with .
Said biggest problem is they buy less than tenners worth of food its the 40 quid change they dont want to lose
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