Waste Plumbing - Potential Problem with Branch?

8 Dec 2007
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United Kingdom
Hi, I wanteed to ask people's opinion on this waste installed by our plumber. Our bathroom fitter mentioned that there's a chance that the waste from the toilet could travel into the sink waste. I'm no plumber but I would assume if this were a legit problem they wouldn't manufacter branches like this. Appreciate your thoughts.

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The 92deg branch boss is designed in such a way so the the toilet waste outlet is swept downwards and directs the flow away from the boss inlets so there shouldn't be any cross flow. It's a normal branch connector design.
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Hi Ambien, I'm trying to install a similar setup to yours, but I cannot find a tee with a drain boss opposite the WC waste, do you know the name or source of your tee?
I've just found one at Travis Perkins:

Wavin OsmaSoil S/S branch 90� 110mm black​


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