I have an outdoor, weather proof socket fed from a socket inside, via a FSCU. It's currently got a 13A fuse in it. I'm wanting to get a water heater for chickens that I have out in my garden. If required, link to it is here: http://www.chicken-house.co.uk/acatalog/Electric_Heater_for_animal_drinkers.html - for any weather we may have that might freeze the water.
if I run an extension (or bit of flex long enough to reach their run), will this be alright left plugged in when we're away for a couple of days? I'm concerned about rain - but as far as I can see the extension plug fits inside the outdoor socket's lid fine, so it's sealed there - if I ensure that the extension socket that the water heater will be plugged into is in a waterproof place (it'll be fixed to the underside of their coop) would it be alright?
I was thinking of dropping the fuse in the FSCU to 10A - despite the heater coming with a 13A fuse in it.. figured if it did trip due to any rain, then 10A would be better than 13A so it doesn't take all of the downstairs power with it?
Thanks in advance.
I have an outdoor, weather proof socket fed from a socket inside, via a FSCU. It's currently got a 13A fuse in it. I'm wanting to get a water heater for chickens that I have out in my garden. If required, link to it is here: http://www.chicken-house.co.uk/acatalog/Electric_Heater_for_animal_drinkers.html - for any weather we may have that might freeze the water.
if I run an extension (or bit of flex long enough to reach their run), will this be alright left plugged in when we're away for a couple of days? I'm concerned about rain - but as far as I can see the extension plug fits inside the outdoor socket's lid fine, so it's sealed there - if I ensure that the extension socket that the water heater will be plugged into is in a waterproof place (it'll be fixed to the underside of their coop) would it be alright?
I was thinking of dropping the fuse in the FSCU to 10A - despite the heater coming with a 13A fuse in it.. figured if it did trip due to any rain, then 10A would be better than 13A so it doesn't take all of the downstairs power with it?
Thanks in advance.