Weekend pay makes GP rich as footballer

24 Feb 2004
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United Kingdom

That, is throwing money at a badly managed problem .... Imagine the future implications?
When other services recieved large pay rises, customer service declined in an attempt to retain the same net cost .. staff was reduced .. Police, nurses etc??

My old M8 in Oz laughs and asks "Cannot imagine why anyone would want to live up there now? -- Played out mate.."
Beginning to agree.
:D :D
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£6500 a week is ridiculous for someone being paid from the public purse... but if I come round after one has saved my life, I won't begrudge him it! :D

We need to look at this from a different angle: tax footballers at a much higher level! It's not really a job now, is it? ;)

Anyway, the article is about Scottish GPs so no doubt the £180 an hour is paid for by their thriving industries of... erm... whiskey and erm... deep-fried Mars bars... Which might account for the need for all the GPs to work long hours tending to heart attack patients. :eek: ;)

That £6500 was an isolated week over Christmas though, the guy isn't on £325K a year! £2K a week is said to be more typical, that doesn't sound too unreasonable for me seeing as GPs are notoriously overworked with all the paperwork they have to do as well as seeing patients.

Money for nothing!!

I know a GP who rakes in that 2K extra a week. Works Mon-Fri from 9-6 then thinks, why bother going home a couple of nights a week to the wife and kids - better off doing a couple of stints at the local out-of-hours until midnight. Even better on a Friday night - he can work from Midnight 'til 7am and spend Saturday in bed, get up, and do it all again with a Saturday overnight. Great way to avoid the Sunday Roast with the inlaws!!

And of course, when he really wants to rake in the cash, he can opt to work Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day for 6K+

He has to put fuel in the Hummer somehow you know - and meet up with his old schoolmates Ferdinand & Lampard for Champagne lunches :LOL:

Now, if only there was some way he could get out of seeing the malingerers from 9-6 daily - then his lot would almost be as good as footballers :p

homertimpson said:
. Works Mon-Fri from 9-6 then thinks, why bother going home a couple of nights a week to the wife and kids - better off doing a couple of stints at the local out-of-hours until midnight.


Sad git.
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Doctors have a social life aswell, sounds a bit of sour grapes here, if i had to work those hours on top of my usual hours i'd expect the same!
Which is rather the point. people get paid extra for unsocial hours. How much extra depends on how how much they need the work, and how much they get paid anyway. Doctors get paid quite a bit for their normal hours. There is a shortage of them (on account of us not paying to train enough of them for years). So what do you expect them to do? Who here is gonna go and do free emergency callouts every week?