Well done Wales

  • Thread starter Deleted member 294929
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Deleted member 294929

Well done to the Welsh. They are making sounds..

Some staff of the Welsh football team are boycotting the world cup.

As a protest they will travel without the tea ladies and the mini bus driver....

Well done Wales that'll educate Qatar
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Wales haven't been to a World cup finals since 1958, that's 2 to 3 generations of missing out. It will take a hell of a lot to make them miss it now. The whole thing should have been given to another country, but with shifting matches at short notice, chaos ensues, you only have to look what happened in Paris for the CL finals, and that was just ONE game.
It's a shame for Wales that they qualiy for what could be the worst world cup ever.

Some way I hope England win. As it will always be tarnished.

However your right it's to late to switch but it's not to late for a big power to boycott
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I see what you mean, with Wales in it, it will be the worst World Cup ever.
Like it or not they made the 2016 euros. Best to stfu if you know nothing about football really.:LOL:
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As a supporter of Wales, your knowledge of football and mine will be zero then.
My knowledge of ‘English’ football isn’t good. I lost interest when I realised it was sadly lacking English players. :unsure:
My knowledge of ‘English’ football isn’t good. I lost interest when I realised it was sadly lacking English players. :unsure:

Years back the pubs would be packed for England games. Now people just glance at the screen. Not many people are that interested in watching 11 fanny's running around these days
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