Wet Windows

29 Feb 2024
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United Kingdom
I'm finding a lot of condensation around the bedroom window as the nights get colder - we had new windows fitted with trickle vents and they're clear so i asked if the older windows could be fitted with them and was told not. Is there a way of reducing the amount of water around the window every morning rather than leaving a cloth to sop up the excess water?
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See what i mean?

Usually straightforward to retro fit uvpc vents. No guarantees it will prevent condensation but should reduce it.

The same happens to my bedroom but only when I do not have a window open.
With me it only happens in the autumn when we have big differences between day and nighttime temperatures..
Our breath contains moisture, I think that's where it comes from.
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Probably just breathing and insufficient ventilation. Open the bedroom window in the morning after throwjng back the bedclothes so they can air.

You could open the door a crack or open the window the smallest amount overnight. But check other rooms early in the morning.

If there is a source of damp in the house such as a bathroom without good extraction, or wet washing draped around, fix it. Less often there is a tiny leak from a radiator or water pipe.

Water vapour is lighter than air so will rise within the house.
Trickle vents don't stop condensation. Simply not enough fresh dry ( cold in winter) air coming through property.
Run a dehumidifier for 4 ish hours every night is one answer. Worked for us.
We run two and starred the session last night as we started noticing condensation on glass.
We dry washing with dehumidifier in the winter and use bathroom and kitchen extractors.

Its complicated to understand what's happening but help is available. People think opening windows or turning up the heat is the answer. It's not.

Trickle vents don't stop condensation. Simply not enough fresh dry ( cold in winter) air coming through property.

That rather depends how much water vapour is being added to the inside of the house, and how much is being ventilated out.

I find a bit of ventilation works fine.

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