Yellow pages for me...depsite what the advertising salemans said to me last time...the internet net revolution really hasnt taken off yet....the only peple that think the whole world is glued to the net.....and e commerce people and web site sales execs. they beleive their own hype
When want to find a trade or service I simply pick up a book and open it (remember that???)
Whats option two?...go upstairs turn on the comp..hook up to the net, find yell...find a service..try and find a local the number down..and the worst thing, theres hardly anything to read.
The advertising bloke who used to come to me to sell space in the yellow pages was always trying to punt that it reached the homes of people hundreds of miles not prepared to travel that far im nearly went the same way as the ill fated talking pages...and if they dont watch it with their prices it will go the same way, with only the geeks bothering to use it.