What company to take? Internet at home

4 Nov 2011
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United Kingdom
I recently moved to new flat, haven't sorted out internet connection yet. I dont want to fix myself with some long contract, would prefer 6 months or something. any advice what to take and not to pay too much?
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Are you in a fibre optic area?
Cos if you want speed, then thats what you want.
might be wrong here, but most companies are at least 12months contract, the cheaper ones 18, or even 24 months now.

only way is to have a good look, some of the smaller companies are offering quite good deals, they can just be a bit harder to find.
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What's wrong with signing up for a 12 month contract and moving it after 6 months if you need to.

I'm with Virgin Media for everything and the broadband is 30Meg and I get a true 30Meg downloading at 3.6MBps

p.s. and VM are going to be doubling their customers speeds soon for free so i'll be getting 7.2MBps in April fingers crossed :)
I was with Newnet for quite a while, they were OK and proper English techy's on the helpline but generally you pay more overall for a monthly package.
i decided to take plusnet, month by month contract, price: line rental aprox £12 + internet 10GB aprox £6.

thanks for advice guys:)
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