What good sports they are!

25 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
I've just heard, with some surprise, that France and Spain have ships at Portsmouth for the Trafalgar celebrations, including the Charles de Gaulle and the Principe de Asturias!

What good sportsmanship from them both. Not only have they sent ships to a commemoration of a battle they lost, but they have chosen to send their flagships! :eek:

Good show!
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Agreed, it's a pity all world leaders can't be as big as that. Can you imagine the US top brass going to North Vietnam to take part in their anniversary celebrations? :confused:
Oh I don't know, give it 100 years and se what happens.....
so theyre happy to do that, but we use red and blue teams in the enactment for fear of offending them. Weve gone bloody mad
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Damocles said:
Oh I don't know, give it 100 years and se what happens.....

expect the world to be around in 100 years?!