What is this wiring?....

1 Dec 2004
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United Kingdom
Hi i bought a prochem carpet cleaner but am confused by the wiring on it,
The wiring has the colours
Black, jade green and like a pale turquise/white.
The wires seem a thicker then british wiring too.
Can anyone tell where where this wiring is from.

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Most probably american or japanese, black is live, white is neutral and/or red is second live for 100-0-100 centre tap supply , green is earth. However, be very careful before plugging it in - it may well be expecting 100 or 110volts rather than the 230 or so we have here, in which case it will probably run very fast, but not run for many seconds before going bang, unless you have a transformer to step down the voltage!
Seriously if you are not sure you should look for a rating plate on the side, or makers contact info, and call them to determine the voltage.
Also, although it is nearly certain that green is the earth, if you have access to a meter you would be wide to check that the exposed case connects to this wire, and that there is high resistance between the other two and the case.
The thicker wire is also a probable indicator of a low voltage high current country, rather than the the EU and Australasia that use higher voltage and less current for the same power
(Though the cord could have been replaced at some time so almost anything could be true - for example here in the UK I came across some old east german flex a few months ago, black live, grey neutral, red earth, fortunately before I made the red one live I checked it, but it could have been very nasty indeed had I assumed the old UK red is live rule).
Hi, many thanks for that, i was sure it had to be wiring from another country and now i know its not British think i will get rid lol.

Many Thanks Tracey
reminds me of a freind of mine(spark) went to an auction and bought a compressor cheap

plugs it in bang trips the breaker
so he pulls it to bits cant find a fault
no plate on the motor etc
so he keeps trying it dismantling it etc of and on for a week
i calls in sat morning and hears the story
looks at machine and asks why has it got yellow flex on it
change of plug later its purring like a kitten
after much swearing etc :LOL:
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Get rid of what?

The whole cleaner you just bought, or the flex?

Is the flex easily replacable? If you don't know which colour is which, how will you replace it?

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