When young ( awaits the jokes, only 47 now). I was a DR Despatch rider, no tom toms then. Map, motorbike, package, deliver or no beer tokens.
Went all over the country, got lost yes. Found the destination YES.
Know London like the back of my hand still.
As you say, skills are being lost now.
A dangerous situation when the basic skills are lost IMHO. Youngsters today lack manners, let alone map reading. Thank fook mine are still classed as polite by my friends. Can read a map and have the making of something good. Some others out there are just feral predators awaiting gaol sentences.
Society is going into a headfirst dive unless we retake the classrooms and allow teachers to do the job they are suposed to do. And one aspect of that is to support parents not replace them.
Far too many now expect others to bring up their offspring.........
Sorry for the rant there, had to be said