Whatever is going wrong with Diynot ?

24 Feb 2004
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United Kingdom
From time to time, site is totally inaccessable ... Is it set to improve, or wither and die ???? :mad:
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It's a combination of two things.

Firstly, recently our hosting companies network has been subjected to numerous repeat DDOS attack (which basically means the network is maliciously bombarded from lots of computers with useless info resulting in the target network/computer being swamped and unusable). They are in the process of taking action to prevent/deal with such attacks. The downtime this morning was as a result of such an attack

The second is a mystery issue on our server. On random occasions the server mysteriously dies. Various steps have been taken to minimise the disruption this occurs and since last Friday the downtime for such an occurence should be around 10 minutes max. At the same time we are hunting out the problem and hopefully this should be sorted by the end of the week.

I hope!! :LOL:
Definitely no withering and dying here though!!
Ah, the old Distributed Denial of Service attack on an innocent site. As stupid and pointless as a broken pencil wearing a dunce's cap.

Let's try and figure out why someone would do such a thing:

Political reasons? No, it would seem we fall into the broad categories of communist pig-dogs, fascists and "don't cares", overall there are no leanings in any direction.

Ethical reasons? Well, other than discussing rat-traps in a positive light... but we balance that by talking about fox hunters.

So, I can think of only one reason...

DIY! We are obviously being targeted by a tradesmen's guild that is resorting to high-tech measures to protect their industry! Somewhere there is a bricky who has put his hod down for 5 minutes to do a bit of hacking! :LOL:
I couldn't get on here yesterday evening at all. A few weeks ago it was down for almost a whole weekend. At that point my "real" friends here were away for a few days so it was "billy no-mates" time here at ninebob towers! Thank god for Sky TV.....
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AdamW said:
Political reasons? No, it would seem we fall into the broad categories of communist pig-dogs, fascists and "don't cares", overall there are no leanings in any direction.

I really enjoy this forum, the reason? Its very right wing and I would never normally be exposed to these ideals, If I went to a pub it would be one with like minded people, lets face it that's boring, I don't expect to win an argument and sometimes I find it disturbing but mostly I really enjoy it. :D
I'm glad you all enjoy it.

That's funny what you say about yesterday evening ninebob, it was working fine for me, but I couldn't understand how quiet it seemed.

Perhaps there were wider problems on the internet?
While we're at it, can I moan about how frustrating it is that when I have read a post and click on the Back button in the browser I go back not to the forum but to some advertiser click-thru thingy? I know, just click Back again, but its irritating, to me anyway!

Thanks. Rant over
Must be your computer - it always goes back to my last page I had viewed. I've never had that problem. Have you inadvertently installed some pop up from the internet which keeps trying to sneak in? :?: :?:
It doesnt always happen on every post. Wierd. Never have it elsewhere. Its redirecting to adsviva.net. Going to switch off Javascripting - see if it goes away.
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