When I were a lad

  • Thread starter Johnmelad502
  • Start date


"When I were a boy, my mother would send me down to the corner shop with a sixpence and I'd come back with 28lb of potatoes, two loaves of bread, three pints of milk, 1lb of cheese, a packet of tea, a jar of coffee, a cabbage, 1lb of tomatoes, half a dozen eggs, and ten woodbines"

"You can't do that now..... Too many security cameras." :LOL:
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do you have long arms now from carrying all that weight?
Boom! Boom! You have to be a certain age to get that one :D
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I have , me dad smoked Weights :rolleyes:

:LOL: You can still get Senior Service (at Morrisons). Best untipped coffin nails going!

They also do Park Drive and Woodbine.

Knew a couple from way back when,she smoked senior service he smoked woodbines both lived well into their eighties.I started on them horrible black cats (cigarettes that is).
Knew a couple from way back when,she smoked senior service he smoked woodbines both lived well into their eighties.

Smoking preserves all sorts of things, so why not lungs? :LOL:
My mum used to send me down the co-op for her cigs,(Nelson) I don't remember what they cost but for some bizzare reason I still remember our co-op account number.
My mum used to send me down the co-op for her cigs,(Nelson) I don't remember what they cost but for some bizzare reason I still remember our co-op account number.

What was your number? ;)
I never got sent down to the corner shop, but did get sent to the butchers for sausages. Bit healther than cigs, but only just ;)
I once got sent to the shops with a ten bob note and was given change from a pound. Great....I was ten bob up but what to do with it. Money was so tight I would have been spotted spending it. I decided to hide it under the carpet in my bedroom until I could best figure out how to use it. It was eventually found by my mother, who accepted my explanation and it was absorbed into the family funds. To this day I still don't know why she was looking under my carpet, it was an early lesson not to try and hide anything at all in the house.
I never got sent down to the corner shop, but did get sent to the butchers for sausages. Bit healther than cigs, but only just

Bugger to light though weren't they? :LOL: :LOL:

To this day I still don't know why she was looking under my carpet, it was an early lesson not to try and hide anything at all in the house.

Ok, so you were well off and had carpet, :rolleyes: while we had lino! Jeez! :LOL: :LOL:

Anyway, mums don't look, they see it written all over your face and have x-ray vision. :LOL: :LOL:
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