When will we ever learn

25 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
I cannot express the expletive deleted I'd like to - Lorry drivers, well any drivers & mobile 'phones.

My last employer had a strict rule - when we travelled Solo we had to switch mobile phone's OFF - even in cars with 'Hands Free' capability. If we were caught it was a disciplinary case.
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Every day I see drives holding phones, texting and worse using FaceTime ……

Seemingly people don’t care AND they more often than not drive cars with built in hands free kit …..
I still see many drivers of all descriptions texting, people seem to have mastered the art of glancing down, phone in lap, to read texts stationary at traffic lights or on the move, its less obvious than holding a phone in your hand and talking. Everybody's at it: white van man, middle class women dropping their kids off at private school in the Q7, lorry drivers, school kids, I even think I saw a police driver do it recently but my mind might be playing tricks on me.
The more driving is dumbed down, the more humans are distracted. I'm not defending the idiot, just explaining the why.

Surely he knew there was a camera?
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To use his mobile phone knowing there is a camera in the cab? Stupidity and its most stupidest ;)
When he put his head in his hands, apart from the relief of not killing anybody, I bet he was realising his career as a lorry driver was over and was likely to get criminal charges

I’ve been driving over the last week on the M25 on a section with no hard shoulder….I’ve had to change lanes due to breakdowns most days…..and it does sh1t you up, because in heavy traffic all you see is vehicles in front pulling out into the middle lane, you don’t get to the broken down vehicle until it’s right in front of you.

Smart motorways are the stupidest thing ever.
I can’t find what lorry he was driving, I guess it wasn’t an HGV as it probably would’ve spun round.

I have a lot of respect generally for HGV drivers, that’s a huge responsibility, they are seriously massive up close, the skill of reversing them is amazing. I used to get deliveries from Germany with an 18m HGV and some drivers had real problems turning around on our ind estate, one took 45mins another did it in under 5 mins
When he put his head in his hands, apart from the relief of not killing anybody, I bet he was realising his career as a lorry driver was over and was likely to get criminal charges

I’ve been driving over the last week on the M25 on a section with no hard shoulder….I’ve had to change lanes due to breakdowns most days…..and it does sh1t you up, because in heavy traffic all you see is vehicles in front pulling out into the middle lane, you don’t get to the broken down vehicle until it’s right in front of you.

Smart motorways are the stupidest thing ever.
We were told at the time of their introduction that statistically they were as safe or safer than conventional motorways iirc, probably the same statistician that advised the police on the LL prosecution.
The more driving is dumbed down, the more humans are distracted. I'm not defending the idiot, just explaining the why.

Surely he knew there was a camera?
He knew there was a camera and also knew his employer had done nothing about it before.
The camera was there for the company to defend itself. In fairness it wasn't their fault, it was totally the drivers.

But if they actioned drivers using phones it likely wouldn't have happened
Smart motorways are the stupidest thing ever.

Quite agree.

IIRC the M42 near Birmingham airport has the first section about 25 years ago and you could ONLY use the inside lane when the traffic was very heavy and slow.

The M3 near us became a 4 lane road and all it means is idiots charge down the inside lane . Now the inside lane is shut because they are building more safety pull off areas. Who exactly are making these stupid decisions?
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