Where my tax dollar is going

22 Sep 2005
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Preston, Lancashire
United Kingdom

If you look carefully, you can see a council employee in a yellow jacket stood on the back of a van, watering hanging baskets. Now if you look at the right of the photo, you can see a chap with an umbrella up - yes, it was pis*ing down and had been doing all that afternoon.
So that's why my council tax keeps going up! :rolleyes:
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Hanging baskets and pots need watering despite the rain. The raindrops run off the leaves and past the edge of the basket/pot onto the floor.

So sayeth the great intellect that is the great joe-90.
I suppose they could lay the basket waterers off when its raining
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Yeah I know but I was tired when I wrote it. (twas only a joke anyway).
I suppose they could lay the basket waterers off when its raining
Do you realise how stupid that sounds? That's like saying that when wind turbines are not turned when it's not windy that we should pay folk to turn them by hand.
That photo was taken at about 8pm - why?
why is there a white hole in the pic fella? have you got some sort of time tunnel round your way?
why is there a white hole in the pic fella? have you got some sort of time tunnel round your way?
Jef, I can't answer that. I took the photo with the mobile and cropped it heavily to get it as you see it. I recently deleted images off my phone so I have no original. It's bugging me though. Seems weird. :confused:
That photo was taken at about 8pm - why?

Not sure about the 'watering when its raining' thing, but you usually water hanging baskets late, so the water doesn't all evaporate in the sunshine.

Was it definitely water, not aphid spray, for example ? Might also have had plant food in, which they wouldn't get from rain.
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