There's a vast range, but from a pro's point of view if you had a choice which manufacturer range would you have indoors ?
We will need a new one soon due to age, eco and kitchen re modelling.
No fixed criteria. but it needs to be able to cope with a 4 bed old house with grown up 'kids' and us two. Rads x 11.
Due to pumped showers x 2 it makes sense to sick with a trad boiler with water storage and header tanks.
If you do recommend a make, would you please eloborate as to why you think the product is worthy.
We will need a new one soon due to age, eco and kitchen re modelling.
No fixed criteria. but it needs to be able to cope with a 4 bed old house with grown up 'kids' and us two. Rads x 11.
Due to pumped showers x 2 it makes sense to sick with a trad boiler with water storage and header tanks.
If you do recommend a make, would you please eloborate as to why you think the product is worthy.