Whirlpool dishwasher adg 7460.
Have run a test programme on our dishwasher and it is giving 5 beeps. can anyone help with an idea of what the problem might be. The dishwasher is over 4 years old.
It runs for a minute or so , stops then empties out the little bit of water in it and beeps to finish. this did happen a few months ago and we cleaned filters, still faulty. then pulled the machine out, when replaced it worked again. unfortunately now, we cant get it to run properly on any cycle, it has given up on us ! Any ideas please ?
Have now found out it is probably something to do with the motor. Is this expensive to replace ?
Have run a test programme on our dishwasher and it is giving 5 beeps. can anyone help with an idea of what the problem might be. The dishwasher is over 4 years old.
It runs for a minute or so , stops then empties out the little bit of water in it and beeps to finish. this did happen a few months ago and we cleaned filters, still faulty. then pulled the machine out, when replaced it worked again. unfortunately now, we cant get it to run properly on any cycle, it has given up on us ! Any ideas please ?
Have now found out it is probably something to do with the motor. Is this expensive to replace ?