Why does other member's bad behaviour result in me being excluded from the threads?

10 Jul 2024
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United Kingdom
This is getting very silly.
Recently I've been excluded from threads for other's bad behaviour.
For instance, there was Justin Passing's persistent abuse, with not a shred of evidence to support his assertion, and each time I stated the truth, and repeatedly presented the proof.
Yet I was excluded from the thread. It's perverse.
Now, yesterday evening, motorbiking and fillyboy made several false allegations of anti-Semitism. I repeatedly asked them for examples. Fillyboy responded wit vulgar expletives.
And I have been excluded from the thread. :rolleyes:
It's utterly inexplicable, unfair and smacks of preferential treatment, two tier moderation. :rolleyes: Protecting the usual culprits from their own abusive nature. :rolleyes:
It's just ridiculous, the usual posters persistently make abusive comments, or false allegations, and I'm excluded from the thread.

I very much doubt if that would work in reverse. Maybe I'll try it. I'll try being extremely abusive, vulgar and making repeated false allegations, and we'll see if the subject of that abuse is excluded from the thread. :rolleyes:
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Now, yesterday evening, motorbiking and fillyboy made several false allegations of anti-Semitism. I repeatedly asked them for examples. Fillyboy responded wit vulgar expletives.
And I have been excluded from the thread. :rolleyes:
It's utterly inexplicable, unfair and smacks of preferential treatment, two tier moderation. :rolleyes: Protecting the usual culprits from their own abusive nature. :rolleyes:

I'm excluded as well so that blows your claims of preferential treatment and two tier moderating out of the window.
I'm excluded as well so that blows your claims of preferential treatment and two tier moderating out of the window.
It was your bad behaviour, not mine.
So why is the victim of your bad behaviour excluded from the thread? It's bizarre.

It means that you, and others, can have perfectly innocent posters excluded from threads by being abusive to them. :rolleyes:
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I didn't accuse you of anything you hadn't done. I wasn't abusive. I didn't use vulgar language.
I merely asked you and motorbiking for evidence to support your false allegations.
Yours, and his, examples of false allegations have now been deleted.
So it sure looks more like a protection of your, and his, credibility than it does about keeping a level of decorum in the forum.
It was your bad behaviour, not mine.
So why is the victim of your bad behaviour excluded from the thread? It's bizarre.

It means that you, and others, can have perfectly innocent posters excluded from threads by being abusive to them. :rolleyes:
I wouldn't place too much stock in what he says - lied about being excluded from the Zion thread, so he's probably doing it again.
I wouldn't place too much stock in what he says - lied about being excluded from the Zion thread, so he's probably doing it again.
After his yesterday evening's repeated false allegations, followed immediately by his refusal to present any evidence, and now the deletion of his vulgar language and the examples of his false accusations, I have no respect for him anyway.
Similarly, motorbiking's false accusations have been deleted.

It's such a poor show that some members' characters are protected from their own abusive and bad behaviour, rather that the forum readers being aware of their questionable character.
I wouldn't place too much stock in what he says - lied about being excluded from the Zion thread, so he's probably doing it again.

I was excluded from the zion thread, privileges were restored 2 or 3 weeks ago on a sunday evening immediately after some 'goading' posts by both yourself and JohnD, I assume John felt the thread needed livening up.
I didn't respond then and rarely post on the thread now, I treat it with the contempt it deserves.
Yours, and his, examples of false allegations have now been deleted.
So it sure looks more like a protection of your, and his, credibility than it does about keeping a level of decorum in the forum.

Bikers post is still there. Good post, I gave him a 'thanks' for it.

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