window does not open

25 Nov 2005
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United Kingdom
Dear All,
I can not open one of PVC windows in my house, it is 18 months old double glazed PVC windows. In a locking position the handle is horizontal pushes two lever at the bottom of the opening part of the window side ways to engage into metal blocks at the corner of the window frame. When I open the window moving the handle to vertical position the right hand side disengaged from the frame but the left hand side still engaged, hence the window does not open and I have no access to try to move it,any help would be highly appreciated. thanks
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you will need to deglaze the sash then gently force the sash open as far as it will go on the side that is releasing then with a gentle forcing action away from the stuck corner see if the shoot bolt releases. if this fails try inserting a wooden wedge to hold the sash open as far as it will to see if you can expose the gear box under the handle, if you can see a screw each side undo the screw or screws on the stuck side of the gear box and pull down the cover plate this should expose the gearing that operates the mechanism. then manually retract the gearing this should release, you will then need to reassemble it sounds like your gear box has dropped the connection to the gearing.

if you fail insert a wedge and take some pictures of what you can see post them on here Ill try to advise on what i can then see.

Alternativley if your property is only 18 months old your builder may do it for you.
Dear wms,
Many thanks for the reply, when you say “deglaze the sash” you mean take off the double glazing unit from the opening section i.e release the four anglebeeds and remove the glazing unit.
yes as this will give you more flexibility in the sash. as apose to when the glass is holding it rigid.
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Once again many thanks , it does make sense to take off the glazing unit for more flexibility, I will try what you advised and update this thread.
Dear wms, …all
I managed to open the window last weekend following your advice by taking off the glazing unit. Released the handle and pulled out the gearbox which was faulty, it is compact unit and when I cracked it open I found the right extension snapped inside the gearbox. A new gearbox arrived yesterday from the manufacturer PADDOCK hardware, fix it, problem solved.
Once again many thanks for the advice.

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