Evening folks,
I am planning on building a 12 panel solar stand at the bottom of the garden using 100x100 x 2.7 treated posts.
I have 3 septic tanks in the neighbour's garden which then discharge along the bottom of mine with through a series of pipes and 3 soakaways the final 4th soakaway about 2m from where I want to put my array. At times like this (Jan/Feb) there is standing water on the grass and it runs into a small stream (All fully permissioned up!)
Three Options:
Image below of what I want to do.
I am planning on building a 12 panel solar stand at the bottom of the garden using 100x100 x 2.7 treated posts.
I have 3 septic tanks in the neighbour's garden which then discharge along the bottom of mine with through a series of pipes and 3 soakaways the final 4th soakaway about 2m from where I want to put my array. At times like this (Jan/Feb) there is standing water on the grass and it runs into a small stream (All fully permissioned up!)
Three Options:
Would a treated pole, the last 1.2m drowned in bitumen, sunk 700 deep into a 500mm diameter hole with 100mm of gravel as a base and a concrete brought around 150mm aboveground level survive the moisture?
Build a raised concrete slab (or slabs to allow for movement) and flush-mount them on that (not as strong).
As per option 1 but use concrete spurs to start. Should I cross-drill the base a couple of times and put rebar in to help anchor them?
- 12 panels will weigh roughly 150kg all-in.
- Wind loading will be low as they will back onto a very thick, tall hedge (panels facing east, hedge runs east/west
- Panel height is 150cm so will sit around 2.2 - 2.4 high when installed. I could get away with 1.8 if I needed to.
- Open farmer's field behind me so unlikely to get a complaint (I know him in the pub)
- Not visible from public road or path so again, low complaint factor.
Image below of what I want to do.