i've got a Worcester Greenstar Highflow 440CDi boiler with a DT10rf receiver & a digistat, it was fitted as part of a major revamp project & it was recommended for us. All in all the boiler itself is fine, but we didn't realise that the digistat won't let you program in individual days, looking into it i realise we should have got a digistat optimiser. So... i've been looking at the prices & it seems you can buy the DT10rf receiver on its own but not the digitstat optimiser, is this right or should i be able to buy them seperately? Is the radio signal different for each one? Any help & advise where i can buy it from (as cheap as poss!) would be much appreciated, thanks.
i've got a Worcester Greenstar Highflow 440CDi boiler with a DT10rf receiver & a digistat, it was fitted as part of a major revamp project & it was recommended for us. All in all the boiler itself is fine, but we didn't realise that the digistat won't let you program in individual days, looking into it i realise we should have got a digistat optimiser. So... i've been looking at the prices & it seems you can buy the DT10rf receiver on its own but not the digitstat optimiser, is this right or should i be able to buy them seperately? Is the radio signal different for each one? Any help & advise where i can buy it from (as cheap as poss!) would be much appreciated, thanks.