Working in a haunted house

7 Feb 2008
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United Kingdom
I don't believe in the supernatural at all.....but I've had a few experiences that could make me change my mind.
Overflowing cold water tank (not the f/e) in the new type 2 valve, all seems fine. Called back the next day - overflowing again. Back into loft, no truth mark where the water had risen :eek: Put another new valve on. The tank still overflows from time to time but the level inside is always the same.
Same house - replacing upstairs floor boards with new, due to horrible paint having been applied, and generally wrecked from other contractors.
Put the old withdrawn nails into a tub, went home at the end of the day. Next morning, nails all over the place and the tub at the bottom of the stairs :eek: (The owner was away at the time).
Next, hear a tremendous crash down stairs. The kitchen to dining room serving hatch had been flung open with such force to put large dents in the plaster wall :eek:
All this, and more, in an ex local authority house in a place called Lobley Hill, Gateshead. The owner does think its haunted, and reckons she can calm the spooks for a while by clapping loudly in the corners of the affected rooms. Well strange.
John :confused:
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I have hhad a few experiences too in my house with change moving on the mantelpiece and letters falling out of the rack unexpectedley. :eek:

There is something to this supernatural stuff.
Thankfully my own house is completely normal, but the house that my old Dad built as the family home in 1968 was constructed from stone from a reputedly haunted convent.....doorbells would ring in the dead of night but the PIR detector lights outside remained off :eek:
An old valve radio I had as a boy there came on on its own - and the ruddy thing wasn't even plugged in :eek:
Not sure what to make of it!
John :)
i remember 1 of my old bosses working in a church,i turned up REALLY QUIETLY,crept inside and started making all sorts of ghostly sounds,he was replacing the boards in the pews where the choir sit,YOU SHOULDVE SEEN HIM JUMP OUT OF HIS SKIN :LOL: im sure he left a brown stain somewhere,i kept this going for about 15 mins, :LOL: :LOL: cor did he give me a rollicking,BUT it was bloody funny watching him JUMP about.
amazing how these things effect you,perhaps ask the customer if they have noticed any strange goings on in the time they have been there,bear in mind if you plant a seed in there minds it could make them get really worried :?:
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When I we about 15 friends and I gatecrashed an open seance for a giggle. We were having a quite snigger when the fortune telling lady asked if there was a Cornelious in the room. When my friend put up his hand she said that she had a message from his parents and that he must return home at once. We were out of there like a shot!

Later, we found out that she was a friend of his parents and while she recognised him, he didn't recognise her. For once the joke was on us for we really believed that she had 'received' a message - from the living! :LOL:
You had a friend named Cornelious?
I have never experienced it but my brother was renovating a farmhouse --place was totally empty and he had the keys , they locked up every night and when they came in the next day their tools would be thrown all over the room and bags of plaster would be burst open and been thrown accross the room. First thought was it was intruders but the place was all locked up ..this happened about three times during the renovation and the guys could notb wait to finish it....maybe it made them edgy but they did say while they was working you had the feeling somebody was always watching and several times the radio would just turn off with nobody near it
have hhad a few experiences too in my house with change moving on the mantelpiece

Had the exact same thing, money would always go missing from the mantel piece and the kitchen unit........but shoes, dresses and jewellery would appear from no where.....ever since i put in a small safe, the ghosts have packed up and left :)
Hotel where I used to work was definitely haunted - kit moved when I was alone working - Ghost dog pit-pat of claws on the lino in the basement- Best one was the apparition the housekeeper saw - guy in a `30s kind of tropics suit and wide brimmed light coloured hat , certain height/ build etc. Solid as any other punter there , but gone in a second :eek: . So I quizzed her about the details - then asked my old dad, who`d lived nearby - sure enough the image was exactly that of the wealthy owner in his Summer suit:cool:
Well, I sat talking to " Big Bob " @ the hotel - a builder who used to come in from time to time to do repairs . Cross between Zak Dingle and Henry cooper :LOL: . He admitted he`d been in a strange house once and things had moved etc. His M8 a young chippy wouldn`t go there alone :LOL:
I have worked in various buildings that were/are supposed to be haunted. One , a plastics factory had a ghost we called George. Our chargehand wouldn't go through to the finishing shop on night shift unless he was accompanied. Several ladies were scared sh****ss on afternoon shift whilst waiting to clock off, when an apparition appeared to come through the wall.
I was on night shift once and a worker in the injection moulding shop came through and asked how we managed to make someone float down a line of machines then appear to go through one ! When we told him about George, he got his coat, clocked off and never came back to work.
Another place, used to be an old hospital at one time. Believe me that place was haunted big time. I watched heavy tools move about on their own, cups fall to the ground although they'd been placed in the middle of tables. No it wasn't the vibration of machinery either. Even happened when all machines had been turned off. :!: :!: :!:
You had a friend named Cornelious?

Yes and mainly because on his first day at school, (he was a newcomer), the school bully decided to sort him out. About a hundred onlookers were of the opinion that that was a very bad decision on his part. He did what the teachers couldn't do and more or less stopped the bullying there and then. Incidently, I dont know if he was proud of his name but he certainly wasn't embarrassed about it..
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