Would You Want To Know The Truth???

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21 Jan 2022
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Often, including me state that we would like to have to know the truth long before it was declared or found out. However, are you ready to deal with the fallout???

We were debating this as we watched a movie last night, a movie with subtitles as not in English.

I recall finding out my OH was cheating, I asked her half-jokingly and she lol it off but as the weeks went on and I added everything up, EG, so-called working longer hours and early starts and even weekends and telling me to take the kids out or go on hols with a mate, looking back I was a fool. However, I often think about it if i did not ask insist would I have found out but I wish I had earlier.

A good friend of my OH found out after they (his friend) had married that his wife had an abortion when she was 22 ie the year before they met. It threw a spanner in their marriage and it came about when they were both being honest with each other re their pasts. They broke up the year after.

Would you want the truth and risk losing your cheating OH?? Most will say yes but come the disclosure or you catching them redhanded, at times many feel they wish they had not found out the truth.

One of my sisters, her brother-in-law, married for years with two adult kids, the hubby suspects his wife is cheating and he only works part-time as he has suffered from depression in the past and is close to 60 and his wife is just over 60 I think. He spends his time with the pets, growing cabbage in their massive garden, a few hours of work a week to get him out of the house and he has begged his wife to leave work but she won't. She makes excuses but from what I', told my sister's hubby has seen his bros wife with another bloke and it was more than just friends and others have noted this as well. My sis and her hubby are not sure if to tell him as they feel he knows and may fall out with them

I've always said to people I know and clients that I used to meet that cried their heart out to me, only check your OH's phone, internet, work stuff etc if you are prepared to deal with the truth and the truth may not be the answer you was looking for.

I speak to my ex because of our kids as time heals and I moved on, but it still hurts and being made a fool of others knowing hurts even more.

People should be honest with their OH and only check if they suspect their OH of cheating if they are prepared to find out about their lover, one night stands etc etc.

Those that say the woman must have left because she was being controlled, mistreated, etc etc is 90% BS as women cheat more often than men these days from what I have seen and heard.
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Truth blimey

well Er yes you are a fruit cake :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Really sad as almost every post of yours is like this on almost every thread.

In my judgment, it is your mechanism of avoiding the truth in your life.
All I can say is if it is working for you, then good luck but messing up threads like this is not good.

(Respectfully) I think that the spell checker on your browser has stopped functioning.

Regards nevertheless.
Really sad as almost every post of yours is like this on almost every thread.

In my judgment, it is your mechanism of avoiding the truth in your life.
All I can say is if it is working for you, then good luck but messing up threads like this is not good.


well you asked for the truth :confused:

so how have I messed up
The thread :confused:
well you asked for the truth :confused:

so how have I messed up
The thread :confused:

You always do. I'm not sure why as at times you can string together a semi-decent post.
I'm not sure what has happened to you in the past but if you have nothing to offer in a thread, please
steer clear.

People can only help if you want them to and it is your choice if to share on not but please keep on topic.

You always do. I'm not sure why as at times you can string together a semi-decent post.
I'm not sure what has happened to you in the past but if you have nothing to offer in a thread, please
steer clear.

People can only help if you want them to and it is your choice if to share on not but please keep on topic.


Er well I will try

truth hmmm

would you want to know the date of yer death

say with in a 6 week time scale ?
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