X360 Emulator not working for FIFA 21

8 Feb 2015
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United Kingdom
I posted in the hardware thread the other day, but the more I try to fix the issue the more I can see it is obviously a software issue. The controller I am using is working fine. Here is the situation anyway.

I am trying to add an X360 emulator to my Windows 10 X64 Gaing Laptop. I am trying to run FIFA 21.
It worked for me before on my old HDD before that died. I've now replaced the HDD with an NvMe SSD. Origin is installed and FIFA 21 is installed.
I have copied the 64 bit x360 emulator software to the FIFA 21 root folder, which for some reason is located in the origin games folder in the program files x86 folder. But it is a 64 bit system.
Anyway, I right click and run as administrator. I create the xinput dll file, and when I do this, my laptop sets up 3 controllers and leaves a 4th blank. So I search automatically for settings three times, for some reason, through 3 controllers, even though I only have one connected. Either way, controller one has almost all of the correct buttons setup once I do this. I add the BACK button and I add the stick buttons. **I have tried leaving these and not adding them. I have tried auto detecting buttons, which slightly changes the lay out of the controller.
What I find is that in the x360 emulator software, everything works fine. The buttons click fine, the axis is fine, and the d pad is fine. I click save.
I have tried starting the game at this point, and I have tried starting the game after editing the xinput from 1_3 to 1_4 and after editing the HookCOM=1 line to the ini file.
No matter what I do, once I start the game the D pad becomes the A,B,X and Y buttons. D pad right is X for example. No matter what I do this happens. I have even edited the INI file to say what I want to D pad to be. I have mapped the D pad in the software and even recorded the D pad in the emulator software, but as soon as I run the game, the D pad becomes the 4 main buttons A, b X, and Y. It is impossible to play the game with any level of enjoyment like that.
What is going wrong for me? I have direct X, I have the distribution files. I even have the missing dll files that FIFA asks for when you first install it on PC. But the control pad decides for itself what it wants to do and ignores what the emulator says.
The directional stick works fine as upon starting FIFA, I can toggle the languages but that's about it. The game will start if I press D pad right. Otherwise it won't start. My head is melted?
Is my game controller loaded up twice? And if it is, how can I know what to delete or edit in the ini file to fix this? I have tried editing it but I'm not too sure what I am doing to be honest.
Any help appreciated.
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It allows a generic gaming controller to appear like an X box 360 controller so that you can play games on a PC without having to purchase a really expensive device. I've been using a generic one for years with the help of the emulator.
After battling for a while with X360ce, I bought myself an official XBox controller for my birthday; I've never looked back! :)
It's connected by Bluetooth, has faultless performance and it's a joy to game with.
Start saving for the real deal - you won't regret it! :D
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I decided to buy a refurbished wireless X360 controller. Guess what? I wouldn't power on. I'm covered by a warranty but still that is so frustrating.
I have checked youtube for some of the issues that cause the item to not power on, including adding the batteries without the box by using aluminium foil and adding foil to the boc and adding paper to the hole in the box etc etc and it still would not power on. So, in the event that I buy a cable for this, given that the issue seems to be the controller and not the battery box, does this mean the controller might not work even with a cable? Thoughts?
Ok, so I returned the 360 controller and got a replacement. This one powers on, but it cannot be found in Blutooth. And when I select it from a list in my computer manually, it tries to download the driver but the device cannot start error code 10 or something like that. So, now I have a Bluetooth 360 XBox controller, that cannot be found by my Windows 10 laptop. It shouldn't require a dongle. It doesn't seem to be connectable by a standard USB Micro or Type C cable. Pressing the wireless button on the device does cause it to become 'discoverable' but my laptop cannot find it and neither can my smartphone. I was advised to make sure that my windows 10 is up to date with all updates and when I did that, I found that windows update is not working. It says something went wrong try settings later. You would swear that I was trying to split an atom here. All I wanna do is connect a gaming controller to my gaming laptop. It isn't rocket science.
Latest UPDATE: I now have a Wired XBOX 360 controller. So I have added the controller to my laptop, which is running windows 10, it seems to be working fine. I launch FIFA 21 and the same trouble occurs. None of the buttons work, the start button does nothing and to be honest with some weird investigation, it seems to me that the bumber buttoms are button X and A, and the D-Pad button section is start. I have checked the the controller is configured correctly by using the old emulator software to see what buttons are where, and it looks and tests fine in there, but it will not work in FIFA. This is costing me silly money at this stage. Between buying the game, going through 3 generic game controllers and emulating them as X Box 360 controllers, then buying a wireless X box controller, but not knowing that it needed a USB dongle to work, and then buying 2 wired X Box controllers, reinstalling Windows 10 from scratch, buying a SSD and reinstalling on that as well, and still the thing won't work. I'm pulling my hair out. Somebody must have had this issue too surely?