You're offered $1 million by Tesco to knock down your home to build a new Tesco , would you say yes?

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over simplistic comment really no 20 ft by say 100ft is big enough for a supermarket so 1m dollars would be a small site and as normal houses on relatively small plots can be worth about half a million in many areas with enough land to build a supermarket would be probably billions so a million can look like small change as a sites actual value ???
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If the house is needed on a ransom basis to build tesco you would normally ask for one third of the development value of the whole site, so no it would be at least in the tens of millions.

I would be happy to part with my home for over market value to have it knocked down and replaced by anything.

But this isn't the scenario you should worry about - the more common situation is when they buy the land or building next door and build there. Then you get no money, a drop in living standards and a big reduction in value. You lose out and get nothing positive.

A friend had a McDonalds built in previously vacant land right behind their house. Forever after they get the smell, litter, noise and bright lighting. They possibly even pushed into their boundary (not worth disputing legally though). All negatives, no positives at all.

Definitely check the planning potential of anything you buy. Best to be bordering land that's never likely to become building land. Difficult but not impossible.
Tesco used to pay a 'finders fee' of approx £20k to anyone pointing them to a site that they ended up purchasing. 20+yrs ago I earned 3x fee's for not very much work at all :)

I was told a tale of how they once bought an old established hosiery Co', closed it down making 200+ redundant, levelled the site & built an edge of town superstore . . . . Which killed all the High St family business's.

So I never bothered with them again.
Of course you did!
Nobody would expect any less from you :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
You're too busy earning a living to make any money. Too much month left at the end of the money. What we call a "wage slave" aren't'cha.

You wouldn't have a clue, you wouldn't be able to chuck an idea in the pot if it came time to double, treble or even quadruple your income.

Winning the Lottery is a dream that you cling to because your reality is unbearable. You cannot even think of a costless passtime that is more enjoyable than the high net worth lifestyle you aspire to.

You will die in front of a TV screen & you will be happy.
You're too busy earning a living to make any money. Too much month left at the end of the money. What we call a "wage slave" aren't'cha.

You wouldn't have a clue, you wouldn't be able to chuck an idea in the pot if it came time to double, treble or even quadruple your income.

Winning the Lottery is a dream that you cling to because your reality is unbearable. You cannot even think of a costless passtime that is more enjoyable than the high net worth lifestyle you aspire to.

You will die in front of a TV screen & you will be happy.
I'm retired and didn't have to work into my late 70s... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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