Zimbabwe poll

24 Sep 2005
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United Kingdom
...Mr Brown said: "As Nelson Mandela has said, there has been a failure of leadership in Zimbabwe. Yesterday's attempt to hold an election was a new low."...

He, (jock), popping up behind Mandy, would say that, wouldn't he??
:D :D :D :D
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Last time they held the election it took them ages to count the votes, and then they had to have a re-count. I wonder how long it will take Mugabe to declare himself the winner this time.
Say what you like about him, he certainly knows how to snatch "victory" from the jaws of defeat. Who said violence never works. :cry:
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Anybody who remains in power as long as he has CANNOT be doing so under a democracy.

Vile evil man.
If anything good CAN come out of the tragic events in Zimbabwe, perhaps the world will heed the warning that brutal dictators can still rise up and be supported by a clique of murderous thugs who suppress their fellow countrymen with the most appalling and inhuman treatment. Mugabe joins a long and odious list, ie, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot etc etc. What is particularly revolting about the change from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe, is that this descent into an economic and social hell, of a prosperous, free, and nearly democratic Country, was brought about by a band of "freedom fighters", one of which was Robert Mugabe.
I suppose it's a shame they have no oil. Otherwise I'd expect his miserable evil butt would have been well and truly kicked by now.
If anything good CAN come out of the tragic events in Zimbabwe, perhaps the world will heed the warning that brutal dictators can still rise up and be supported by a clique of murderous thugs who suppress their fellow countrymen with the most appalling and inhuman treatment. Mugabe joins a long and odious list, ie, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot etc etc. What is particularly revolting about the change from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe, is that this descent into an economic and social hell, of a prosperous, free, and nearly democratic Country, was brought about by a band of "freedom fighters", one of which was Robert Mugabe.

You forgot Uganda and when Sadam was taken out of power the country had the opportunity to finally have a democratic government and what they do with the chance of freedom is up to them.

Iraq had its own holocaust even in modern times and its still going on in various places.

I am sure when a dictator takes power everyone stands around in shock thinking it cannot happen here.

Even here in the United States under the Clinton regime of terror the government attacked a family living on a mountain top ( Ruby Ridge)
a woman her son and the family dog were killed by Janet Reno forces using gestapo tactics and the Clinton administration settled an out of court wrongful death action.



There are a lot more sites about Ruby Ridge and how innocent people were killed by an out of control "democratic" government

Clinton and Janet Reno realizing how they could get away with murder then set their sights on Waco Texas and then invaded a home in Florida to take a child away from his relatives.

Over 100 men,women and children were slaughtered in Waco Texas.

To this day people still say it can't happen here again..

Ever wonder why Wild Bill Clinton was so anti gun?

Disarm and enslave and history is still repeating itself.

Of course it cannot happen again in a democratic government and tell the Farmer who was trying to protect his property and possibly his life why he ended up in prison in democratic England as he wounded a criminal breaking into his "castle"

Punish the victims not the criminal is the new politically correct way of thinking.
And of course former Thatchers crony Lord Carrington has said that it wouldnt be seen as right to get involved with whats going on with Zimbabwe as it may upset its neighbouring african countries, and nothing to do with britain having a much lesser need for its tobacco production?
Wonder if Carringtons interest in tobacco production may come out in the future?
And of course former Thatchers crony Lord Carrington has said that it wouldnt be seen as right to get involved with whats going on with Zimbabwe as it may upset its neighbouring african countries, and nothing to do with britain having a much lesser need for its tobacco production?
Wonder if Carringtons interest in tobacco production may come out in the future?

Glad to see most politicians are bought and paid for not just here.

But I have to admit America has the best senate money can buy.
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