Battle of sexes hots up over heating

The battle of the sexes has taken a new turn after it was revealed men are more likely to turn the central heating off – even when there are other family members still inside.

Despite the cold weather, it’s men who turn down the thermostat each morning in a bid to keep household bills down, and because they believe they’re not in the house to benefit from the warmth.

According to national heating maintenance company, 67 per cent of men said they turn the heating down when they leave the house, while only 23 per cent of women admitted doing the same.

“Not only are chaps hitting the ‘off’ button on the thermostat as they walk out of the door, but they’re now using smartphone apps to control the heating while they’re out,” says spokesperson Jonathan Ratcliffe. “And that’s taken the battle to a whole new level.”

The battle has been taken to the next level with the advent of heating apps such as Nest and Hive, which means the heating can be controlled from outside the home.

But the theory that turning the heating off saves money may not be all it seems.

“Maintaining the heat at an acceptably warm level during the day may be just as economical as letting the temperature fall and giving it a big boost in the evening,” Ratcliffe says.

“In fact, if the temperature in your house gets really cold, you’ll have to run the boiler at full pelt for a long period just to get it up again – and that can use up more energy than you thought you’ve saved.”

Ratcliffe’s advice is simple: “When you’re out for the day, turn the thermostat down and not off. And think about other people’s comfort as well as your own.

“Think family, think comfort, don’t worry about the bills.”