Stay awake when it comes to cleaning your bed

Spending a third of our lives asleep, it’s fair to say beds are pretty important household fixtures – but when it comes to cleaning them, many people are asleep on the job.

To mark National Bed Month, investigated where people who struggle to sleep may be going wrong and found that just 42 per cent of people claimed to change their bed sheets weekly.

A further 36 per cent claimed their switched sheets every other week, while 15 per cent said they did this particular chore just once a month.

The survey also highlighted that 88 per cent of people do not wash their duvet and pillows the recommended amount of every two or three months.

Many were also unaware mattresses should be cleaned four times a year.

According to, a simple vacuum will clear up dead skin cells, malted pet hair and built up dust.

However, the poll did reveal that most people(76 per cent) admit they have a better night’s sleep on the day they change their bedding.

Filip Mijatov, MD of, said: “It is vital for health purposes to maintain a clean mattress. Ensuring your bedding and mattress are cleaned routinely will avoid a build-up of skin cells and fluids, amongst an abundance of bacteria related threats. The survey ultimately highlights the importance of making people aware of the health benefits of a well maintained bed, in relation to the risks presented with one that is not.”