Recent content by james_eb

  1. james_eb

    Texecom Premier Elite 24 Crestron + SmartCOM

    It’s on v6.02.02LS1
  2. james_eb

    Texecom Premier Elite 24 Crestron + SmartCOM

    Amazing! Thank you. How much set up would be required to swap from com2 to the comport+? Is it simply a case of swapping over the connectors and programming the panel to comIP on that port? Or do I need to do a full set up of the smartcom system?
  3. james_eb

    Texecom Premier Elite 24 Crestron + SmartCOM

    Hi all, first post here! I've got an texecom premier elite 24 existing setup with a smartcom on com ports 1 and 2. I also have a ComPort+ model A5147-02-01 connected to the Digi Modem on the main board (currently used just as a backup if connecting over usb). I want to add homebridge capability...