Watch out, Rachel from accounts has got her pen and paper out.

There are more important issues facing our country, that we need to focus on namely the threat from Russsia and the US
The money saved from reducing illegal migration could help with some of the problems we face
I’m not sure you can send asylum seekers back to the count of origin if that’s why they’ve left
You probably find it difficult to differentiate between the words legal and illegal. They do sound quite similar, but if you get a grown up to help you read a dictionary, it may help you further on in life.
I see a serviceman killed in action
Their dependents could be hit with a tax bill after 2027 from the death in service payout .
Getting mentioned on military pages
You probably find it difficult to differentiate between the words legal and illegal.
The majority of boat people who have been processed are given asylum, because they have valid claims. Sending, for example, a woman who fled her country because of sexual abuse, back to where she came from, isn't such a good idea.
The money saved from reducing illegal migration could help with some of the problems we face
I suspect it’s an invest to save situation. Do we even know who the genuine asylum seekers are? Maggie didn’t have that problem because people used other means to get into the Country then
You probably find it difficult to differentiate between the words legal and illegal. They do sound quite similar, but if you get a grown up to help you read a dictionary, it may help you further on in life.
Thanks for the advice. For a moment I thought you were going to recommend Motorbiking.