
  1. S

    Replacing Heatmiser PRT with Hive Stat

    Hi I have replaced my Potterton Ep2000 with the Hive module and everything is up and running except my existing Heatmiser room stat is overriding the Hive stat. Does anybody know what steps I need to take to change the wiring in the Heatmiser stat so the Hive can control the CH. Heatmiser...
  2. J

    Changing heatmiser wireless receiver

    Hi, I am trying to replace a broken and now discontinued heatmiser rc1-w with a newer heatmiser from switch. I had to get a plumber out to diagnose, but he didn’t have the spare parts, so I said I’d wire in the replacement as it was just a case of putting the same wires back in the same...
  3. S

    Vaillant/Heatmiser wiring problem

    I have a Vaillant ecoTEC plus 630 system boiler supplying 4 central heating zones (3 radiator and one wet underfloor) and one unvented hot water cylinder. The system is controlled by a Heatmiser wiring centre linked wirelessly to 4 room thermostats/timers. When the heating is on and the hot...