lead flashing

  1. G

    Removing paint from lead flashing and roof

    Hello I've read lots of posts about not painting lead flashing as it will always lift and peel. Unfortunately I've inherited some already painted leadwork, so would like to know the best way to remove it so I can then oil once back to the lead. Thanks in advance, Graham
  2. swishy6

    Lead lined guttering

    Hi, Guttering question. My house is about 150 years old and the guttering is a trough built into the top of the wall. Stone tiles on the roof and the gutter doesn't protrude over the edge. I don't know what you call this system but it's lead lined and I don't think it's sound. The lead doesn't...
  3. M

    joining conservatory to stone wall

    We have just had a conservatory fitted, (at great expense) but each time it rains, water has leaked down the inside newly plastered wall and appeared to be from behind the box guttering. (hip back glass roof to house wall) It appears the firm have just stuck their lead flashing, under our old...