new build

  1. L

    Straight walls - building regs

    Moved into a new build Issues with a few walls not being straight affecting the appearance of the fitted units and doors hanging from the those units. Is this something we can get into the developer about?
  2. T

    Installing Plywood between Metal C Studs

    I live in a 2018 built house. As such, the internal partition walls are all constructed from Metal Studs (looks to be GypFrame C Studs), which seems to be the "new way" of doing things. I am looking to put a TV up on the living room wall. Having considered all the options (plasterboard...
  3. T

    Can't find any planning advice/guidance building new home in garden in very rural area.

    Hi. I live in the East Devon area of outstanding natural beauty in a rural semi detached house which is well outside (1 mile) any village/settlement/built up area. I'm interested in if I could split my relatively large garden and get planning for a new build. I'm struggling to find any advice...
  4. T

    New Build Dual Zone Heating.. help needed!

    Hi, I’ve recently moved into a new build house which has dual zone heating. The problem is the upstairs thermostat controls both the upstairs and downstairs radiators and the downstairs thermostat doesn’t seem to control anything! I’m wondering if something has been wired up wrong... the system...
  5. R

    How to fit venetian blinds in window recess of a new build property?

    Hello all, I've ordered some blinds from Blinds2Go which require selfi-fitting. I live in a new build property and the window frame, to my basic knowledge and basic exploratory skills (drilling a couple of holes) leads me to believe that there is 15mm plasterboard with around a 10mm gap...
  6. R

    Plywood & Plasterboard vs Home Cinema

    Good Afternoon All, My first post here, but first of all I'd like to say there's a huge amount of helpful information on here from you guys! This is my first project in my first house. It's a new-build property and I'm planning on putting a basic cinema system in the lounge. It'll include a...
  7. phykell

    Reinstating Original Building

    Hi, I recently bought a house which has a large garden. The property has a history going back to the 1700s and is within a conservation area (it isn’t listed). Having done some research, I’ve discovered that there was once an ale house/dwelling at the very bottom of the garden and I’m now...
  8. C

    Affordable homes for developers

    Hi, I am looking at purchasing a land with planning for 81 apartments. In the planning conditions it's subject to 20 units of affordable homes. 12 social rented units and 8 intermediate housing. What does that mean? The plan is to develop and sell. So, can I sell these 20 units or will I have...
  9. T

    Insulation building reg 'Change'

    I have been living in a new build for a year now, built by one of the largest UK house builders. I took a call today from the site manager who I have been dealing with for the last 12 months, the jist of what he said is: 'There has been a change in building regs and an insulation company are...
  10. G

    Zone heating when it should be off

    Hi, I have moved into a new build and have a problem that the builder keeps saying is normal, please advise. The system is a Vokera Mynute boiler with pressurised hot water tank and 2 heating zones. The heating works fine downstairs and upstairs but when it's supposed to be off upstairs and on...
  11. A

    Unique Party Wall - Advice Please [Pics]

    Hello I’m in the process of buying a newbuild house and need some advice about the ownership and maintenance of a wall shared between my plot and a block of flats. This is my first ever house so pardon my ignorance. To keep a long story short, the contract of sale which I haven't signed...
  12. C

    Is my, inaccessible, loft insulated or not?

    The house is a new build of around 4 years old. There is a bedroom above the garage. This bedroom typically remains 5-10 degrees colder than the rest of the house. The loft above that bedroom is inaccessible. I have suspected that that part of the loft is not insulated but had no way of getting...