
  1. L

    Black Mould Patches found under Wallpaper...

    Hi there, I need some help with this. A while ago, about nearly 4 years ago, we had our bedroom decorated. It cost a lot of money to have it done, it's been fine for a while but recently we have noticed there's some dark patches now under the wallpaper on the wall which is an outside wall at...
  2. N

    Advice for Novice removed wallpaper

    hi, I spent a painstaking long time removing woodchip wallpaper from one of my bedrooms and now I'm left with something on the walls underneath. Ok, here's what I did. Once I was able to get under the wallpaper with hot soapy water in a spray bottle I scrapped all the soggy backing away and I'm...
  3. F

    Kitchen Papered, now shrinking and lifting.

    I papered my kitchen this weekend, and did a sterling job, or so I thought. 24 hours after finishing, the odd seem started to show; its very dark paper over a light pained wall, so it's quite obvious. Now 48 hours on, many more seems are showing and the paper is lifting quite badly. If I pull...
  4. M

    Removing old paint from walls

    We are decorating the downstairs of our 1930's house and have removed the 'skirting boards' - plain wood about 12 inches tall - as well as dado rails. Both of these have previously been painted with a dark wood stain and then overprinted with gloss paint. We now have 3 lines of thick...
  5. S

    DIY Vinyl Wallpaper

    Hi everybody, I just registered because I have an urgend question concerning vinyl wallpaper. I was going to re-decorate my friends place here in Germany as a present and bought some wallpaper she liked online (the Chicago as-creation from advertising link removed). Now I didn't see that the...
  6. M

    Can anyone identify this ceiling paper pattern?

    Hello everyone, I am new to here but I am hoping someone can help me out. Long story but basically my wife & I are selling our flat - just about to exchange and we have had a leak from upstairs and amongst other things our ceiling paper in the hallway must be at least partially replaced...