HI guys. Just back from my retest. Car passed, as expected. However, I made it my business to check the brake test results and compare them to the test the last time.
Originally, the front axle passed, and the rear axle failed. The original results were as follows:
''Ovality above 90% is a fail''. The ORIGINAL Ovality results on my car were front axle - nearside 11% and offside 12%. For the rear axle it was nearside 11% and offside 22%. None of these was anywhere near the over 90% ovality fail? The overall imbalance, however, on the rear axle was 39%, which is only 9% over the 30% fail threshold, but which was the reason for failing on the brake test.
Now, I got the back tyres replaced, and as you know had all the brakes, shoes, drums cylinders etc replaced on the back. The new brake test went as follows:
Front Axle Ovality - Nearside 62% and Offside 64%. Total Imbalance of 6%.
Rear Axle Ovality - Nearside 14% and Offside 25%. Total imbalance of 14%.
My first question would be why there is such a huge change in the ovality on the front axle? And my second question would be about the results of the Ovality on my new brakes on the rear axle. Offside was @ 25%. Overall Imbalance of 14% seems quite a lot for the new drums and brakes etc?
Any thoughts?